Helping Supermoms since 2017

Discover the Services I Offer!

I’m here to support and empower you through every stage of motherhood with my range of professional services. Whether you’re preparing for breastfeeding, transitioning your child to solid foods, managing weight during or after pregnancy, or dealing with picky eaters, I offer personalized advice and support to guide you.

Explore My Premium Services:

  • Breastfeeding Preparation
  • Solid Food Transition
  • Pregnancy Weight Management
  • Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss
  • Picky Eating
  • Pumping and Going Back to Work

Each service is carefully designed to meet your unique needs, providing you with the confidence and knowledge to navigate motherhood with ease and joy.

Ready for a Smooth Parenting Journey?

 If you wish to learn more or book a service, reach out through WhatsApp! Just click the WhatsApp button next to the service you’re interested in, and send a message. I’ll respond promptly with all the information you need.

Preparation for breastfeeding

Get ready for your breastfeeding Journey with guidance on proper latch techniques, position and more.

Solid food introduction

Make the transition solids smooth and stress-free with expert advice on when and how to introduce new foods.

Proper weight gain during pregnancy

Ensure a healthy pregnancy with personalized meal plans and tips for balanced nutrition.

Weight loss meal plans

Shed those post-pregnancy pounds with customized meal plans designed to help you reach your goals,

Pumping and going back to work

With Salam's tips, select the ideal pump, personalize your pumping schedule, and store milk safely.

Picky eating

Expert help for selective eating, with strategies to introduce appealing, nutritious meals, promoting healthy food love.

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